15th Edition “The Flight of Pegasus”: Here are the winners

February 27th

Julie Bigot In the text “War of the Moon”, Katyucia Tarabella With a drawing titled “Me and Peace” e Francis Mestria With the sculpture “Woman with Child” some of the winners of the fifteenth edition of “Il Volo di Pegaso”.
18 winners, both professionals and novices, divided into the sections of fiction, poetry, painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, digital art, composition, and musical interpretation.

The award ceremony for the Art Competition, the first and only of its kind in Italy and Europe, took place today as part of the conference “Science and Art Together for Rare Diseases” in the Zuccari Hall of Palazzo Giustiniani, co-organized by the National Center for Rare Diseases (Cnmr) of the International Space Station and the Uniamo consortium. .

“It’s not just research and pharmacological treatments. Rare disease management can also benefit from disease reports. Stories that can find expression through various forms of art, helping to illuminate patients’ needs, he says. Marco CelanoActing Cnmr Director of the International Space Station -. Moreover, the links between science and art in terms of a person’s psychophysical well-being are increasingly evident, as a complementary therapy to a multidisciplinary approach to health.”

The contest was born 15 years ago from an idea Taruscio Sundayformer Director of Cnmr for the International Space Station, part of the context of the Cnmr Health Humanities Laboratory, with the dual objective of providing expressive spaces for people with rare conditions, their families, health professionals, as well as all citizens, and to spread knowledge and awareness of the difficulties patients face Rare people and their families daily.

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This year, the Scientific Committee chose to dedicate the conference to current international armed conflicts, choosing “Peace” as the theme for the event. Besides, he confirms Amalia Eagle GentileHead of the Health Humanities Laboratory – History, literature, music, visual and performing arts are humanities disciplines that study the human being and his condition and inevitably intersect with the psychological sciences and paths of human health.

“It is precisely the stories of people with rare diseases that find narrative expression also through art, in all its forms -: with pencil, pen, brush, sheet music or camera lens – he says Annalisa ScopinaroPresident of Uniamo – the Italian Federation of Rare Diseases – as it appeared today, as part of the activities of the ISS Health Humanities Laboratory, with which we are pleased to collaborate.

This year something unscheduled: after the award ceremony, he was commissioned by the director Marco Celano Special mention to the boys who I amComprehensive State Institute “Don Diana” in Casal de Principe Who participated in the competition with the work “The Power of Love”. An important prize that promoted, on a day dedicated to science and art, the concept of civic spirit and the social and educational role of art in challenging social and cultural contexts.

Finally, the Helicon Prize 2022-2023 of the Rogatchi Foundation, awarded jointly with the “Il Volo di Pegaso” prize, went to Hospital School “Medea” in Bosio Barini.

February 27, 2023
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