1055 visitors, including 480 students – Savonanews.it

1055 visitors, including 480 students – Savonanews.it

Yesterday evening, Wednesday 19 October, the exhibition “Savona, Youth and Science”, in its seventh edition, organized by the “Giovanni of La Senza” association, concluded at the Palazzo del Comissario del Priamar. For a week, the young members showcased and explained their experiences to a large audience, mostly designed and built in the last year of activity.

This year’s title was “The Languages ​​of Science: To Describe and Understand Reality”, after the keynote of the Genoa Science Festival, Language. Through this lens, the course of the exhibition was read that touched, like every year, the various branches of science: from mathematics to the study of the energy sector, from chemistry to biology, from chemistry to optics, from atomic physics to informatics. There have been 12 experiments, designed and built entirely by young scientists, mostly in the last year and thus for the first time on public display: think polarimetry, chemical extraction using the Soxhlet method or Möbius tape, while others have been found, previously shown in A “in progress” version, a specific form like a working model of a wind farm and a robotic arm.

Finally, with the possibility to return to organize guided tours not only for curiosity and passion, but also for classes of high school students, “Savona, Youth and Science” was experienced with the enthusiasm and keen interest of over a thousand people of diverse backgrounds, ages and backgrounds. Of the 1,055 visitors, 480 were high school students who took part in their classes, for a total of 23 classes of Savona area schools, from ITIS Ferraris Pancaldo, from Liceo Della Rover, from Liceo Scientific Grassi di Savona, from Professional Mazzini, all Very engaging and interesting.

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The passion and preparation of the members, who divided the tasks between group guides and animators at the various stations, allowed even those less accustomed to the subjects to follow and understand the experiences on offer, as well as realize and share the spirit of participation in them. The experience that allowed us to gather a great deal of satisfaction and positive feedback, since the opening on Wednesday 12 October, which took place in the prestigious Sala della Sibilla.

Waiting to discover new interesting experiments that will be conducted by the “Youth for Science” programme, whose members are from students from high school students to university students and “advanced” workers scattered throughout Europe and the world, will welcome the audience in the next edition, the boys and girls of the association are keen on The large audience thanked and dedicated the success of the initiative to their beloved president and founder, Professor Bianca Ferrari, who passed away last spring and who, through her active listening, understood her children. It was demonstrated by their passion how science is a wonderful substance and capable of stimulating minds and spirits, making the association not only a place of study but a human laboratory for friendships and the development of skills for its children and daughters who will always be held in their hearts.

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