What's happening at Viaduct de l'Eix in Osuna? Prize konstromat that was closed due to corrosion

Wire corrosion is the problem that led to the closure of the Osormort Bridge on the C-25 in Osuna. Traffic has been diverted to the bridge that runs parallel in the opposite direction, which will have to handle traffic in both directions, at least for the ten months that the repair work will continue.

The Osormort Bridge, which runs from Espinelves to Sant Sadurní d'Osormort in the direction of Vic, is one of the most distinctive bridges of the Eix Transversal, precisely because of the way it was built. that it Cable-stayed bridge, but with lower arches, unlike usual. The supports are placed at the bottom, not at the top, and push the bridge up to give it rigidity.

It is also the oldest in the hub, having been built 26 years ago, and in its day it was so innovative that it won the Konstromat Prize, in 1995. At Christmas, corrosion problems were discovered in the wires that threaten the entire infrastructure, As explained to TV3 by David Pratt, Director General of Infrastructure in the state:

“We're in a very wet valley. Cable technology, in the 1990s, probably wasn't proven enough. The second element is that maybe there wasn't the proper maintenance that there should have been. If everyone takes responsibilities, they'll have to take on what belongs to them.” “

Cedinsa, which held the Transversal Axis concession between 2007 and 2022, told TV3 that during those years the “correct and necessary” maintenance of the bridge was carried out, which was always based on the know-how possessing this technology. The concession expired in 2040, but the state liquidated it two years ago to save money, after paying nearly 500 million.

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The lanes have been cut in half, because all vehicles must pass through the newly constructed bridge. (ACN/Laura Busquets)

Now the bridge works are done At a cost of approximately six million euros To place new, more modern, protected braces that are waterproof.

The other, more modern bridge was not built with the same system of lower arches and He didn't have that problem.

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