Ursa Amarena, tomorrow’s demonstration in Picena

Ursa Amarena, tomorrow’s demonstration in Picena

(ANSA) – Pescara, September 09 – “We will take part in the Pescina demonstration tomorrow. These events should not happen any more. The park is no longer protected as it was before, with Franco Tassi. Today the rules mean that the Abruzzo National Park in Lazio and Molise is like a playground almost.” Thus Pierluigi Vinseguera, of Italia Nostra, announces that the Assembly will be present tomorrow in Pessina (L’Aquila), from ten o’clock in the morning, in a demonstration in memory of Ursa Amarina, who was shot dead last week in San Benedetto dei Marse (La Aigle). ). Details of the appointment were clarified in Pescara during a press conference.
“Institutions, parties, protected areas and citizens have joined the demonstration. We will all be in Pescina at 10 am to remember the Amarina bear that has become a symbol of Abruzzo, but also to urge a new relationship with animals because we are experiencing climate change heavy even with hatred, today, towards wildlife, and we believe There could instead be a new way of coexisting with large carnivores.”
“We will be in Pessina and invite everyone to be there – said Filippo Marchetti of “Salviamo Lurso” – to remember the amarina bear and all its wildlife. Salviamo Lurso calls for tougher penalties for the guilty. “Crimes against animals. If the person responsible is brought to trial, we will become a civil party.”
“We want to assure that we are all saving the bear together – added Giuseppe Di Marco, President of Legambiente Abruzzo – starting with the work of the institutions, and above all the work of the park, and therefore maximum support for the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park. The region must continue to work on coexistence and on us also to work to overcome this critical moment which, in its grief, makes us compelled, together with other associations, to constitute ourselves as civil parties to a possible judicial proceeding.”
Tomorrow’s demonstration will be attended by: WWF Italia, Lipu, Lav, Enpa, Legambiente, Lndc Animal Protection, Dalla Parte dell’Orso, Salviamo l’Orso, Rewilding Appenines, United section of Abruzzo of Italia Nostra, Cai Abruzzo, Orso and friends. , Social Promotion Association Dfp Villavallelonga, Le Pine, Coop. Ecotor, cup. Il Poso, FederP.ATE-Confesercenti Abruzzo, Mountain Wilderness Abruzzo, Maiella National Park, Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park, Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area, Green Europe – Verdi L’ Aquila, Italian Abruzzo left. (handle).

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