Time travel, quantum physics simulation: the impossible experiment

Time travel, quantum physics simulation: the impossible experiment

It’s definitely a very fascinating field. simulation Virtual trips back in time Thanks to quantum physics, it allows us to realize Experiences that are otherwise impossible With traditional physics: This is what a study indicatedCambridge University Published in the magazine Physical review letters.

Researchers have shown they can Simulating a kind of time travel manipulation btanglethe quantum phenomenon that Two molecules can be linked in a distant embrace So much so that one measure of the two It immediately affects the other as well.

the present”

For a practical comparison, “Imagine you want to send someone a gift,” explains the study’s first author, David Arvidsson-Shukur. “You have to send it out on the first day to make sure it arrives on the third day. However, you only receive that person’s wish list on the second day. So, in this scenario that respects the timeline, It is impossible to know in advance what he wants As a gift And make sure you send it right. Now imagine being able to edit what you sent on day one with the information in the wish list you received on day two. there Our simulation Use manipulationtangle Quantity to show how you can Retroactive change Your past actions To ensure that the end result is the desired result“.


“In our proposal,” he adds Nicole Younger Halpernresearcher in National Institute of Standards and Technology And theUniversity of Maryland The experimenter connects two particles togethertangle. The first particle is then sent out to be used in the experiment. After obtaining new information, the experimenter manipulates the second particle to change the previous state of the first particle, which changes the outcome of the experiment.”

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“The effect is great, though It happens only once out of every four times“, He specifies Arvidsson-Shukur. “In other words, the simulation is done 75% chance of failure But the good news is that you know if you’ve failed.

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