Tijani brings the file of immigrants to Europe today. Resistance and attempts at mediation – Corriere.it

Tijani brings the file of immigrants to Europe today.  Resistance and attempts at mediation – Corriere.it
From Francesca Basso

Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels today. European Commission concerns

from our reporter
BRUSSELS – To understand what to expect from today’s Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, we must remember that the war in Ukraine continues with all its consequences. This will be the heart of the EU-27 foreign ministers meeting, as various sources put it on courier. But at the request of Italy, in light of what happened last week With NGO ships in our territorial watersthere will be a point about the immigration file: Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani The sources confirmed that who will appear for the first time in this role will be carefully listened to.

He stresses that the tensions that have arisen between Italy and France are not good for the European Union Diplomatic source in the European Union. And it is likely that the ministers of the 27 member states in their remarks at the entrance will return to the topic of hospitality, at the risk that everyone will demand their work. But there are also likely to be attempts at mediation. He explained that much will depend on the intervention of Minister Tajani. Jean Asselborn, a foreigner from Luxembourg, explained toDealing “In the immigration file, we will read the true intentions of the newly elected Italian government about the size of Europe it wants. I sincerely hope that it will be just a bump in the beginning of the new government in Rome.”

At this stage, the Commission seeks to invite Member States Coordination and cooperation. Rescue operations at sea are regulated by international law – according to an EU source – so the EU CEO has no say, it is not up to him to determine the nearest safe port. Instead, he is responsible for the policies regarding asylum. On September 20, two years ago, the Commission proposed a new agreement on immigration and asylum which is still under negotiation because countries are unable to agree. In order to revise the rules, it is necessary that all countries on the front line on the Mediterranean (Italy, Greece, Malta, Cyprus and Spain), like the countries of the East, starting with Poland, which manage the flows of people displaced from the war in Ukraine, together with Heroes of secondary movements (the phenomenon of migrants who move from the country of first entry to go to seek asylum in another country in the European Union) such as France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, finding common solutions.

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A small step forward was made in the Internal Affairs Council on June 22 Finally when EU countries agreed on negotiating positions, to be held with the European Parliament, on the Eurodac regulation (database with fingerprints of irregular migrants and asylum seekers registered in EU countries) and on regulations for investigations to strengthen the control of people at external borders. Meanwhile, 21 member states and associate states confirmed their commitment to the voluntary solidarity mechanism in the form of transfers or financial contributions. It is the mechanism that France has decided not to join any more. The fear now, as they noted in Brussels, is that everything will be called into question. On the external dimension – agreements and aid with countries of origin and transit – even former Prime Minister Draghi requested an intervention from the Commission, included in the conclusions of three European Councils. The Czech presidency will decide this week whether to hold an extraordinary meeting at the ministerial or technical level by the end of the month. An internal affairs council is already scheduled for December 8 and EU leaders will meet on December 15-16.

13 November 2022 (change on 13 November 2022 | 23:05)

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