They destroyed about forty cars at night in Cardona

They destroyed about forty cars at night in Cardona

Cardona woke up Friday morning with… About forty cars were damaged and their mirrors were broken or scratched. So far, the local police have received about twenty reports of damage to vehicles parked in different parts of the municipality. At this moment, Those behind this act of sabotage are being investigated Along with the Mossos d’Esquadra, which they had already identified Someone who is assumed to be responsible for events.

he A corporal in the local Cardona police He explained to this newspaper that the main influences are: Cars with broken mirrors and windshields Or with some objects on top of it, such as fences or wood, that have been thrown over it to damage it. The incidents occurred in the morning and mainly affected vehicles parked in various parking lots Along the miracle road.

The corporal added that this is not the first time they have received complaints about damaged vehicles in the municipality. He explains that two years ago, a similar event occurred, but not with such a large number of damaged vehicles. Mayor of Cardona, Ferran EstrocheHe pointed out that the first indications allowed them to ignore the hypothesis that behind the events was a criminal gang specialized in stealing vehicle spare parts. “We’re talking about one or two people They devoted themselves to destroying cars with no intention of stealing them“, It is to explain.

The local police began investigating to find out who was behind the events. For now, the Mossos d’Esquadra have confirmed to this newspaper that they have A person has been identified as the alleged perpetrator of the act of vandalism Which would be related to similar events, though it still is There is not enough evidence to arrest him. In this sense, Estroch insisted on the importance of reporting in those cases where a damaged vehicle is found to help advance the investigation.

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