The Year of Joan Salvat-Babasset, promoted by the Ministry of Culture through the Institute of Catalan Literature (ILC) to commemorate the centenary of the writer's death, was presented today at a press conference in which the Director of the Catalan Institute participated. Messages, Isaskun Aretxe, and Ceremony Commissioner, Ferran Issa.
Arretxe polished Salvat-Papasseit's character. “A poet who had no studies, but only readings. This certainly made him more daring in his forms. A poet who claims the identity of a poet in capital letters, and who also represents an advanced vanguard in Europe, in substance and form. And finally, a poet, revolutionary in his political and social aspect, and in his poetry as well.” .
Therefore, Salvat-Papaset's year should work to publish his works in prose and poetry, so that they remain alive in publishing catalogs and even be translated into other languages, but it should also work to make known his zest for life, his thinking, his social commitment and his work as a columnist. It is necessary that the human dimension, the turbulent, the young, the rebellious, the enthusiastic, the social, the Ecratic, the Catalan and the romantic, permeate the commemoration of the Sunnah with its wisdom and poetry.
To achieve this, the following objectives were set:
- They prepared Joan Salvat-Babasset as a reference point for young poets, so that they could make him their reference again.
- Providing reprints, new editions, and translations of his texts and poetry so that they reach everyone again, in addition to producing new works revolving around his life and work.
- Returning the poems of Salvat Babasit to the favored position they had in the world of music, as well as making musicians remember his poems again to compose their songs.
- To keep the flame of his poems alive in educational centers, as it was in the past, and to let young students enjoy his latest creative lines.
An intensive program of evenings, poetry performances, presentations of bibliographic novelties, exhibitions, academic events, conferences and various activities will, throughout 2024, allow the works of Salvat Babasit to be disseminated in festivals, libraries, cultural centres, Athens, libraries and educational centres.
Institutional action
In July, the central event of the Salvat-Babasset year will take place in Barcelona. Enrique Casassis and Pascal Comilde will participate in this central commemoration event. During this event, all aspects of Salvat Babasset's multifaceted personality will be remembered, and his works will be defended from a contemporary and modern perspective, with the aim of offering new approaches to his poetry.
Babasite sulfate at festivals, shows and bookstores
Most poetry festivals throughout Catalonia will include performances and concerts dedicated to Joan Salvat Babasit, such as the one prepared by poet Meritxell Cocurilla Jorba for the Lleida Poetry Festival. In Barcelona Boesia there will be a poetry performance combining Salfat-Babasset's vivid words, Jomma's illustrations, and music performed by flutist Elisabet Franch.
As for the concerts dedicated to Papasit's salvas, the highlight is the “La Rosa als llavis” tour by Tomás de los Santos and Elsa Trunchoni, promoted by the Parnasants Festival, which can be seen throughout the region. Three different choral concerts were also prepared:
- “Prop del mar!”, which brings together works by Salvat-Papasseit and Gimerà (both commemorated this year), by Cor Canta and the Joan Manén Society
- “Canto la lucha i l'amor”, from the Palau de la Música Chamber Choir
- A performance at Orfeó de Sants includes pieces by the four composers celebrated this year: Joan Salvat-Babasset, Ángel Guimera, Vicente Andres Estéles, and Montserrat Vayreda.
The Salvat-Papasseit year will also be present at festivals and fairs, such as La Setmana del Llibre en Català, Litterarum or the Poesia als Parcs cycle, among others.
In the academic and pedagogical field, the Institute of Catalan Literature jointly with MUHBA and the University of Barcelona has organized an academic day that will be held in Villa Joana on June 6 and will update studies dedicated to the poet.
The Ministry of Education organized an educational day targeting primary and secondary teachers to promote the presence of Babasite Sulphate in classrooms.
There will also be other actions to bring Salvat-Babasset's work closer to young people, such as a day of composing poems inspired by Salvat-Babasset organized by the Institute of Catalan Studies, facilitated by Marius Serra, or an action that will take place at the Escola Mirades Institute in Barcelona for the publication of the second issue of the magazine. Voltaic arc.
The exhibition “Joan Salvat Babasset, Radiant Vanguard” will summarize the poet’s career and the main features of his work. It will be roaming and can be seen all over Catalonia.
Reading clubs will also be scheduled in Salvat Babasset, and a training session has been organized for book club leaders so that they have the resources and tools when it comes to activating poetry sessions.
A list of activities available for programs in the libraries has also been prepared: there are two calligraphy workshops aimed at children and young people (one for the Martí i Pol Foundation and another for the poet Miriam Soteras), performances for family audiences, concerts, performances and recitals as well as conferences on different aspects of the author. Libraries and cultural centers have access to the catalog and can choose what interests them most in programming as part of the Sulphate-Babasit Year.
In Barcelona, the City History Museum has programmed four literary itineraries in Barceloneta to remember Salvat Babasit.
The Catalan Library will digitize the documents preserved in the Salvat-Pabasite Fund and make them available to everyone. In order to disseminate these materials and remember the author, a round table has been organized, which will be followed by a reading of the texts and will be held on June 20.
Likewise, the Marius Torres Chair at the University of Lleida has digitized all first editions of Salvat Babasit's books, which can now be consulted in the Digital Literary Collection.
In terms of publications, there are two new editions of his complete poetry, one published by Edicions 62, with an introduction by Enric Casassis and edited by Jordi Cornudella, and another by Le Diable Gros, edited by Jordi Martí Font. It will also be reissued The right words I The rose on the lips. There will be adaptations of picture books, books to introduce young people to Salvat Babasit, as well as new translations. For example, it will be published Factory smoke It has been translated into Catalan by Jordi Martí Font and editioned for book lovers by The rose on the lips, bilingual Catalan/English, with translation by Dominique Keown. There will also be two new studies on Salvat Babasset's career, one by Ferran Gadea and one by Vinit Panella.
Joan Salvat-Babasset (1894-1924, Barcelona) was a poet, a pioneer of Futurism and the avant-garde in Catalonia, a columnist – in Spanish and Catalan – within the socialist and anarchist trends, and eventually a Catalan with a profound social culture. Root. He trained self-taught and worked as a bookseller in the literary department of Galeries Laietanes, where he created Llibreria Nacional Catalana with his brother Miquel.
Salvat Babasit's work is not only poetic, but includes prose whether as an essayist, revolutionary thinker, art critic or storyteller. His social commitment was embodied in his collaborations in periodical publications. He also emerged as a popular romantic poet of the post-Margalism period. Salvat Babasset was a cultural activist who promoted visual poetry, with lines inspired by Apollinaire and Marinetti's Futurism.
Salvat Babasit, with his rebellious thought, declared: “I, as a man of letters, am unimaginative, somewhat primitive: I have seen or experienced everything. But I know myself as an aristocracy of spirit, which can rise above the limits of the university that does not shelter me. Also from the first steps. I love art and artists and the useless works of artists. I aspire to useless work that will comfort the rich, without democracy which confuses the rich man with the money man, the artist with the horse. I have never had wealth, nor will I ever have it. But joy is mine, for I know how to lie, I Poet. According to the prophecy, death will overtake me by fire, because an inner fire consumes me. I pray to God that glory is not a virgin that one can hold in one's arms.
Ferran Issa y Pampols (Barcelona, 1948) is a writer, poet, essayist, cultural journalist and winner of the Agustí Duran i Sanpere City of Barcelona History Prize. He was an editor and collaborator on Barcelona newspaper, Vanguard, Labor solidarity, pip/day, 20 minutes, More daily s Ajoblanco. He also participated in many seminars and seminars organized by Catalan universities and various institutions.
He has been a screenwriter for documentaries and worked as a curator and documentarian of exhibitions for entities such as the Popular Encyclopedic Academy, the Museum of the History of Catalonia, the Barcelona Libraries, the Institute of Culture of the Barcelona City Council or the Catalan Literature Foundation. In collaboration with the latter institution, he participated as a documentary photographer in the exhibition “Joan Salvat Babasit, Catalan avant-garde poet”. He has also collaborated on TV3 programmes Thalassa I TarascaI It happened here From Pitvi, dedicated to the ancestors of Babasit.
He has been a professor of Catalan history at ACCAT, at Joliuls at the University of Barcelona and at the Catalan University of Desto, where he taught three courses on Salvat Babasit. He has participated in numerous events dedicated to Babasit's predecessors throughout the Catalan countries, among them his participation in the centenary of the poet's birth, when he prepared an exhibition and organized a concert of Ovid Montaller at the Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular.
He has published three books on Babasite sulphate with May Vidal: Joan Salvat Babasset: The passionate man; Joan Salvat Babasset (1894-1924) I Burning words. He collaborated on the book catalog for the Salvat Babassett exhibition seen at Santa Monica Arts, in anthologies such as Poems for Barcelona I Voices from the extremesHe also wrote the introduction to the book's CD Under the sky. On the other hand, he published more than thirty books on anarchist culture and avant-garde movements. He has published several poetry collections: near the sea, Rambla del Raval, kaleidoscope, the earth, Hard times poem, Rafals song, Sensation scienceI Rafal Barcelona.
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