The European Chamber approves the non-binding report on flooding

From “Pummer” to “Giant Step” or “Triumph of the Constitution.” They are reactions to the report on the linguistic immersion of the mission of the MEPs – majority, conservative and far-right – who went to Catalonia last December, at the request of the People's Party and Citizens.

the text that Casts doubt on the modelsimilar to the draft already published in February, was approved on Tuesday by the European Parliament's Petitions Committee, chaired by the popular Dolores Montserrat, by 19 votes to 6.

The first reaction – against it – is that of the MEPERC Diana Ripa, who once again criticized the “partisan” use of the committee by the right and far right. He added: “Public resources have been used, which are many, while in fact the report It has no effectiveness at all“.

The second reaction – supportive – came from a member of the European Parliament Citizens Mighty Bagazortondoa. “Let's take a step forward so that the best language policy for all Catalans can be put in place,” he stressed. “I End the rigors of applying immersion systems He added: “It is mandatory for children with special needs.”

The member of the European Parliament, in the same line, affirmed that “the Constitution and the rule of law have triumphed.” s Rosa will be

What does the report say?

The report mentions this Immersion Linguistics generates “serious imbalances” for students whose native language is Spanish They ask for “equal” treatment for Catalan and Spanish.

Committee members express their “concern” and speak openly about “the cases of social exclusion, intimidation and bullying to which children and parents are exposed” and demand that the “perpetrators” of these acts be punished.

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At the same time, they denounce that Catalonia “makes it difficult” for families moving to the country so that their children can study in Spanish and advocate for making education in Spanish easier for students who request it.

In addition, the members of the European Parliament in the mission, who He did not visit any regular school They have only met with the families of the plaintiffs and are demanding compliance with the penalty of 25% Spanish in all centres.

What route does it take?

Electric text It is not bindingBecause the EU does not have the powers to legislate on the regulation of educational systems in member states, as MEP Dolores Montserrat, one of the driving forces behind the mission, recently admitted. In a letter, he responded to a citizen of the Turkish minority in Greece that the European Union has no powers to supervise the organization of education systems in member states.

the document It will be sent to the European Commission So that – if it deems it appropriate – it includes the conclusions in the report on the rule of law in Spain and the Spanish authorities will also be asked to legislate in accordance with the recommendations of members of the European Parliament.

Who was in the delegation?

The group that traveled to Catalonia was headed by Yana Tom, Liberalism Estonia, and was part of it common German Peter Yahr; Polish party deputy Extreme nationalist Law and Justice, Kosma Zlotowski, Italian Five Star Movement Maria Angela Danzi.

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The five other MEPs who accompanied the mission were all from Spain: the Chair of the Petitions Committee, Dolores Montserrat; Also a member of the European Parliament s Rosa will be; Mighty Bagazortondoa, from Citizensand Jorge Buxadi, from Fox. The only dissonant sound was Diana Ripa'sERC.

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