Science vs. Magic in Charlie Jane Anders

Science vs. Magic in Charlie Jane Anders

One of the author’s most famous novels, the Oscar-winning Fantastica has been released

There are editorial options that sometimes slip away a bit. For example, when a novel that won the Nebula Prize, one of the two most prestigious science fiction awards, is published, and is not mentioned anywhere. Not a scream on the cover, not a sentence in the back. In the author’s biography, it was specified that she had won various awards but she did not say why. Hey, just for this book, say no? number. Is there a fear of explaining that it’s a great subject book? Well, he came out in Oscar Fantastica, Saab. They may not have noticed. What’s Next All the birds in the skyIt was released in the United States by Tor in 2016, and has also won a Locus Award and a Crawford Fantasy Award. It is a young adult novel, somewhat confronting fantasy and science fiction, with two characters, a girl with magical powers and a boy with genius engineering and the inventor of a time machine.

the book

From an early age, Patricia Delphine and Lawrence Armstead had different and often opposing views of the world. Patricia knew how to talk to animals and turn into a bird. Lawrence was able to build a supercomputer and a time machine (but was only able to move two seconds into the future). In getting through that endless nightmare that is middle school, they become allies, albeit a bit cautious; At least until a mysterious school counselor steps in with a secret plan…

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They never imagined that they would find each other again. But after ten years, now adults, they meet again. Patricia is a graduate of Eltisley Labyrinth’s secret academy for magical powers, while Lawrence is an engineering prodigy committed to trying to save the planet. Dragged on opposite sides of a war between science and magic, Lawrence and Patricia are forced to take sides, making a decision on which the fate of the planet and humanity depends.


Charlie Jane Anders She has published several award-winning novels and short stories: Hugo, Nebula, Sturgeon, Lambda Literary, Crawford, and Locus. With Annalee Newitz carrying the podcast “Our Opinions are Correct”.

Charlie Jane Anders, All the birds of the sky (All the birds in the sky(2016) Oscar Fantastica Mondadori, p. 372, 15 euros, e-book 7.99 euros.

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