R4 trains have not yet arrived in Barcelona

R4 trains have not yet arrived in Barcelona

BarcelonaChaos continues in the neighborhoods this Sunday, caused by the theft of copper in Moncada Piforcasio (Vallés Occidental), on Monday. Trains R4, R3, R7 and R1 began service on Monday with Plan B put in place following the breakdown caused by cable theft on Sunday. However, in the early hours of the morning, what was planned for the R4 was modified: this morning they were supposed to arrive at the Fabra i Puig station in Barcelona, ​​and at the moment, they are only doing so in Cerdanyola.

33% of regular service trains will operate on this line during rush hour and half of the rest of the day. The R4sud runs to Hospitalet de Llobregat and the R1 and RG1 to Badalona, ​​where passengers are transferred to the metro. Service on the R3 is between Puigcerdà and Montcada Ripollet, with two trains per hour in each direction. As for the R7, users can travel to Cerdanyola using the R4 and from there a bus service to Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) station has been established. Another alternative is the Express 3 bus.

In some cases no alternative was offered to reach Barcelona. Lourdes was at the Barberà del Vallès bus station at 7am so she could get to work in Barcelona at 8.30am. At 8am I couldn’t catch any bus. “They don’t give us any information. They don’t offer us any alternative service. We can just take the bus that always comes from Sabadell, the A1, but it’s impossible to take. I’ve been here since 7.00 in the morning.” In the morning and it didn’t happen until 7.40, I couldn’t go there and they didn’t make any effort to solve this problem, I already knew it wouldn’t work, they completely forgot about us.

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