Olympic Games, Tampere He explains his future and possible retirement. Backstory: “I had another cramp”

Olympic Games, Tampere He explains his future and possible retirement. Backstory: “I had another cramp”

Gimbo returns to the problems that affected the high jump final and remains vague about his presence at the World Championships in Tokyo: “I still struggle to see the sport in front of everything.”

The appearance is that of a person who has lived through two days of hell, the facial expressions and above all the look betray everyone. suffering, pain and bitterness. Moreover, he shared the expression and the look with his wife Chiara, a point of reference even in the darkest moments of colic, trips to the emergency room and therefore the inevitable elimination in the early stages of the Olympic high jump final. However, there is a great desire for lightness – at least for one night – in Gianmarco Tamberi, who made a surprise appearance at Casa Italia for dinner at the end of the Olympics. Also a useful opportunity to clarify the future.

Tampere at Casa Italia: Words about the World Cup in Tokyo

As ANSA reported, Jimbo’s first words were about the future, suspended between possible retirement and the desire to relaunch: “I have shown an attachment to these colours, I’m glad I tried, and I owe it to myself, and to those who chose me as their standard-bearer. And to those who supported me. Going back to the World Cup in Tokyo? I can think of everything now. The thing I find hard to see is Putting sport first again. But that could change tomorrow. I certainly owe my time to my friends and family, but that doesn’t mean I quit.”

Jimbo’s confession: “Another cramp.”

Then about the injury: “I was hoping for a different ending. Certainly now.” I will have to do more tests because today (Sunday, ed.) I had another cramp. I can’t go on like this. I’ll be back in Italy on Monday and I’ll see what I can do. Love for the people, especially the young people? I’m happy to read the beautiful messages of these hours. “It’s over” is only said at the end and when you work as hard as you did You have to try even if it seems like things are over sooner.“. And again: “I only deserve credit for trying, and then on the podium it wasn’t special. I presented myself as if nothing had happened in the last hours.”

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Controversy over preparation and Tampere response

Someone questioned the preparations for Jimbo, maybe things “should” have gone like this: “If I hadn’t invested so much, maybe I wouldn’t have won so much in Tokyo. I put sports before everythingIt was a dream shared by many people with unique dedication and seriousness. I’m sorry it ended this way, because it wasn’t in my hands. How to restart? It’s hard to say that after Rio there was a desire for salvation, but this time it will be different I saw these Olympics as the last great opportunity. To understand where I could go. The preparations were almost perfect, and at the European Championships in Rome I made my debut with a time of 2.37 and I think it was the best start of the season. Everything went well.”

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