Monkey pox, vaccine needed? All the doubts of science

Monkey pox, vaccine needed?  All the doubts of science

Some states require millions of doses of monkeypox vaccine, but mass distribution is thought to be excessive

Monkey pox, vaccine needed?  All the doubts of science

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The monkeypox complete to Worry the whole worldso much so that many countries are already organizing themselves for it Advance Vaccines to confront him. The fact that this absolutely necessaryHowever, it seems Don’t swear a little experts. All because many keep pointing out that a file contagious and the lethality from the virus in Europe And the North Amarica I away from the annoyance.

Monkeypox: the two existing vaccines

Currently me Vaccines Approved by science against monkeypox two. The most famous isakam 200 French multinational Sanofi Pastero Biology Co. Based on Emerging Biosolutions. Its reputation is derived from the fact that It has already been widely used until’early eightiesBefore smallpox became one Officially eradicating the disease. known as ring scar that left The arm of generations of ItaliansBelieves enough to face Also the new version of the virus.

L ‘one specific vaccine For monkeypox, on the other hand, it is produced by the Danish pharmaceutical company North Bavarian (or Mva-Bn) and his name Imphanix. Adjust 2019serve one Very narrow spectrum of side effects It must be managed within 14 days of exposure to the virus (ideal, though, is four). In addition to having a file Specific antiviral medicationwhose approval came in these first months of 2022.

How is the world preparing to fight disease?

between The world’s most mobile countries To distribute a vaccine against monkeypox stands out Uses. here actually Available doses of Imvanex They were already Almost a million and a halfBut they will come now 500 thousand more. So the countries will be at their disposal About 2 million dosesReady to distribute when needed. In Europe, however, thewhatever (European Medicines Agency) previously reported that it was in talks with Bavarian firm Nordic for Officially approved against the virus.


while Germany And the Spain They have previously recommended Imvanex for Adults are at particular risk Infection with monkeypox. The band in particular includes those who have Physical contact with the injuredand staff Infectious Diseases Laboratories And the men who have Relationships with multiple male partners. The doubts However, they are many and have two origins. The first is that the virus continues to display a very low infectious (in Italia cases remain 20) it’s a 1% deaths. The second is Availability of vaccinesIn any case Important Although the disease was believed to have been eradicated in Europe and North America. Mass vaccination, however, It cannot cover all citizens with age under 50 years old.

Monkeypox, doubts about the vaccine Italian experts

and for this Matteo BassettiDirector of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa, made it clear that the monkeypox vaccine is Managed even with some urgency. But Only for some specific categories: “The Positive contactsif I were Pregnant women, children or immunocompromised“.”This is one mild illnessand the hospitalization I A little bit. So the main recommendation is to lend Great attention to precautions. especially during Close contactsincluding me he mentioned instead Claudio Mastroianni, President of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT) and Professor of Infectious Diseases at Sapienza University in Rome. “low infectionAnd even if the issues at the international level will increase, then They will fall until they disappearFinally, this is my opinion Massimo AndreoniHead of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Tor Vergata Clinic in Rome.

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Meanwhile, the Undersecretary for Health said Andrea Costa announced that monkeypox vaccine doses in ItaliaI am five million. The No to universal vaccinationhowever it Clear. “We are not facing an emergency, it must be said clearly. However, if there is a need, We’re ready“RaiNews24 has guaranteed.” Francesco Fellageneral manager of Inmi Spallanzani in Rome, who are you Vaccinated before 1981 he is “so far already covered“.

logo card: Andrea CostaClaudio MastroianniFrancesco FellaMassimo AndreoniMatteo BassettiSerummonkeypox

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