Joe Biden has accused Russia of wanting to disrupt the midterm elections

Joe Biden has accused Russia of wanting to disrupt the midterm elections

(Washington) In a speech to intelligence, Russia on Tuesday criticized the United States for disrupting the 2022 legislative elections by spreading “false information.”

“Look at what Russia is already doing with the 2022 elections and misinformation. This is a complete violation of our sovereignty,” he said, referring to information he received on the matter at the time when he visited the office of the National Intelligence Directorate near Washington.

The US president also attacked his Russian envoy, Vladimir Putin.

The Russian president “has a real problem, he is the leader of an economy with nuclear weapons and oil wells and nothing else,” Biden added: “This makes him even more dangerous to himself.”

The US president has expressed concern over the intensification of cyber-attacks, which involve breaking into a company’s networks to encrypt its data via “ransomware” and then demanding a ransom, often in bitcoin, instead of encryption.

“If we see war, in real armed warfare, with another great power, it will be due to a cyberdock,” he said.

In the fall of 2022, the so-called “interim” elections are set to take place in the United States, during which all seats in the House of Representatives and one-third of the seats in the Senate will be renewed.

The United States recently blamed China for a massive hack against Microsoft Group’s Exchange messaging services in March, and the White House has repeatedly called on Russia to act against “ransomware” attacks. Carried out from its soil.

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