Industrial production rose by 3.7% in May in Catalonia.

Industrial production rose by 3.7% in May in Catalonia.


Only Extremadura outpaces the state’s land growth, while communities such as Cantabria, La Rioja and Madrid show declines.

Formulated by Empresa
05.07.2024 12.55 hours

Catalonia It closed last May with an annual increase in industrial production of one percent. 3.7%. This is an average of 3.5 points higher than the national level, making the region the second in Spain as a whole to have increased its performance the most, surpassed only by Extremadura, which in this case increased its industrial production by 17.4%.

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It is data fromNational Institute of Statistics (INE)This explains the state’s growth of 0.2% overall. In the case of Catalonia, the region is experiencing a particularly positive start to the year, having already achieved two consecutive months of growth. If we look at the annual percentage, Catalan industrial production increased by 6.3%, compared to an increase of 1.3% on the Spanish average.

Extremadura (+17.4%), Catalonia (+3.7%) and the Canary Islands (+2.2%) were the regions with the most significant increases.

Apart from Catalonia’s number, the rest of the state had a single number. Uneven trendThe annual rate of industrial production increased in five autonomous communities and decreased in 12 others. Extremadura (+17.4%), Catalonia (+3.7%) and the Canary Islands (+2.2%) saw the most significant increases, while on the other hand Cantabria, La Rioja and Madrid saw decreases of 6.4%, 6.2% and 2.9% respectively.

for every Economic destinationConsumer goods as a whole in Catalonia rose by 5.2%, with a 0.3% decrease in durable goods and a further 5.5% in non-durable goods. For the rest, capital goods rose by 5.8%; intermediate goods prices rose by 2.3% and energy by 0.9%.

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