“Illy Café grows 34% in the US, new focus on the UAE and Asia”

“Illy Café grows 34% in the US, new focus on the UAE and Asia”

We are on a cyclical increase in epideta but it is a fact that we do not want to stress. Because in the first six months of 2021, some restrictions were also introduced due to Covid and it doesn’t seem fair to make a comparison. The point that interests us most is that the first market results confirm that strategic options are going in the right direction.

for example?

First of all, bet on the United States and on e-commerce. Sales in the US increased by 34% and according to our forecasts it will become the second largest market after Italy. Almost a “second local market”. Internally, the trading channel, the channel we were born into, has restarted aggressively, posting a 30% increase. Finally, China, another region where we aim to double sales in the medium term which posted a promising +16% increase in the first half of the year.

E-commerce is a legacy of the Covid emergency, but will it continue to grow?

It’s the other big pillar of our strategy. Meanwhile, in the first six months of 2022, e-commerce volume increased by 11%. Online sales today represent 15% of our sales volume and we are convinced that we can reach 20-30% in the medium term. On the other hand, growth cannot be achieved by standardizing countries and channels where there is already strong but necessarily by differentiating between outlets and ways of accessing the market.

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