“I Love San Marzano Dop: European Excellence”, this is the US conquest program

“I Love San Marzano Dop: European Excellence”, this is the US conquest program

In New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles, everyone says “I love San Marzano DobIt is paying off Great success in the USA Promotion and Promotion Program “I Love San Marzano Dope”: European Franchise, co-financed by the European Union and supported by the San Marzano Tomato Consortium of the Agro Sarnese-Noserino Consortium, and UNICAF – the National Association of Industrial Vegetable Food Canners. To learn more about the king of tomatoes and the places where they are grown and made, seven journalists from the state participate in a one-week private tour between Naples and the Sarnese-Noserino countryside, which includes: project presentation, meeting with Italian promoters and media, tasting of tomato dishes, a course to learn how to prepare pizza , delicately seasoned with San Marzano Dop from the Sarnese-Nocerino region. Everyone also has a cookbook with chef dishes Andrea Bastianella pastry chef desserts Elena Rossi.

In the project presentation coordinated by Manuela BarzanHeld in Naples by Foucault Linto, engaged Tommaso Romano President of the San Marzano PDO Tomato Protection Consortium from the Sarnese-Nocerino Region, Giovanni de Angelis Director Anicav and foreign press: Laura Macintosh / On Ait Talent TV Bring It Home, PBS Social media, Anthony Michael Contrino / On Air Talent and Producer, Anthony Contreno Media Inc. , Sapna Dalal / Food Blogger and Web Journalist – Vegan Tourist, Stacey Ballis / Journalist at Print and Web Food & Wine, Eating Well, Nations Restaurant News, MyRecipes, Southern Living, MSN, Elle Simon Scott / Editor, On Air Talent and Food blogger America’s Test Kitchen, Susan Hermann Loomis / On Air Talent – Dancing Tomatoes. The presence of a series of accompanying factors – explains Romano – such as the Mediterranean climate, highly fertile and well-organized soils, and the skill and experience that farmers acquired in the production area over decades, contributed to its success in the world, which culminated, in 1996, Recognized by the European Union as PDO “also called red gold”, San Marzano agro sarnese-nocerino dop is certainly one of the most famous and beloved food brands: “The Bible of TomatoThe Washington Post dubbed it; Known and appreciated all over the world for its ‘bald’ properties. 200,000 quintals are produced annually. The US holds 80% of the San Marzano PDO export market from Sarnese-Nocerino agro: here exports rose from 3.2 million euros in 2019 to 4.6 million in 2021.” Anicav supports companies – comments De Angelis – and promotes projects like this on tomatoes, which have Communicative value to explain a niche tomato for an important market such as the US market, an introduction to Italian tomatoes in the world.

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Agriculture is the ancient bipolar agriculture, the chemical-physical properties make it unmistakable, both in the fresh and altered state and is the most traditional food product in the world. For all this reason, care and preservation are fundamental.” San Marzano DOP tomatoes are grown in Agro Sarnese-nocerino, in the province of Salerno, in Acerrano-nolano and in the Pompeiana-stabiese region, in the province of Naples and in Montouris, in the province of Avellino, for a total of 41 joint. It has 14 production cooperatives and 16 manufacturing companies. The color is bright red, the flesh is firm and elastic, the flavor and aroma are fresh and strong: I Love San Marzano DOP is the program that promotes the consumption of Agro Sarnese-Nocerino tomatoes in America.

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