“God’s book, science and proof serve science and faith.”

“God’s book, science and proof serve science and faith.”

with their book God and science are proof of that (Jay Tridaniel, 2021) Michel-Yves Polloret and Olivier Bonacez throw a stone into a pond. Its purpose is to describe recent developments in the fields of physics and cosmology and to conclude Evidence for the existence of God (who are they) Modern, clear, rational, multidisciplinary, can be addressed objectively (sic) in the real universe. after l “The Undivided Physical Pact” In the intellectual world happy authors “Science seems to be God’s ally”. Unfortunately, the book contains lies that can only be understood by non-scientists. At the same time and erroneously, he proposes an intellectual scheme of the question of God, which can be called “empty materialism.”

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Nature is sublime and everyone, especially scientists, can be surprised by its exact order. According to M. Bolloré and Bonnassies, contemporary science could have explored this arrangement with such a level of detail that we are no longer too far from laying our finger on the Creator, as in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It is neither more nor less than a teleological argument: Nature, perfectly harmonious, can only be the work of a whole being, God, and the authors have adapted this argument without calling it and distorting it to serve their purpose. Should the sensitive experience of nature pass through the practice of science? No, of course: the only walk that surprises the birds flying over a lake experiences breathtaking nature without the exercise of a scientific approach. Whatever mm. Bolloré and Bonnassies, no one waited for the Hubble Space Telescope to contemplate creation and feel God’s gesture around them.

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Realistic mistakes

The authors claim that modern cosmology “This means that the universe had a beginning”, Emphasis on the history of creation and the existence of the Creator. This is wrong: The Big Bang theory proposes that the universe occupies a state of increasing density and temperature when we go back in time, to the point where it reaches regimes of density and temperature where our current understanding of physics is no longer applicable. So the science is no longer predictive, and any scientific claims about the beginning can be just an uncertain extrapolation. But what does it matter, mm. Bolloré and Bonnassies sell bear skin: we would have found the original place.

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But do we really prove it? God’s presence ? In the background, we understand that the authors invoke the cosmological argument: for every movement to have a cause, there must be a primary movement, which is God. And again, the point is reached by reducing the historical argument to an empty expression: Science has found the first movement, God is the first movement, and thus science has found God, but this evidence does not satisfy believers! Was the great watchmaker who launched the Big Bang and calculated the fundamental constants of physics a god of mercy who came down to earth and suffered from a passion for the forgiveness of sins? Obviously, no one believes that.

Spiritual dead end

Of course, think of the harmony of the universe or God as first mobile Believers can rest in their faith, but cosmological and teleological arguments are a spiritual dead end, they do not help progress on the path of belief in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

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This spiritual dilemma hides another logical thing this time around: God’s existence cannot be an object of science. As Karl Popper teaches us, only false claims, that is, the contribution of new experiments can be invalidated, are scientific claims. This is how science advances: through the gradual falsification and refinement of its content. This excludes from science in principle a series of affirmations, including the existence of God, and therefore resorting to science to prove the existence of God is a double situation, no matter how well known.

God is revelation

First, God is a revelation. Then, for those who want to meditate on the truth, “Faith and reason are two wings”, John Paul II wrote in Faith and reason, an inescapable monument to the current issue, and a loophole in operational references. Moreover, these wings are not alien to each other. Faith is nourished by knowledgeAbove all, knowledge of God through the study of the life and teachings of Christ, through interpretation and theology, which are two sciences. Of course, believers are invited to acquire this knowledge to strengthen their faith as suggested the post The light of faith.

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In an attempt to banish materialism in the state of “irrational belief,” M. Boluri and Bonassis with each other. The hypothesis that God appears in nature as evidence of his existence is materialistic. It is even worse to limit this understanding to science: it is empty materialism. Their work presents a mystical scientific discourse that serves science at the same time, suddenly deprived of its principles and substance, faith, which has suddenly withdrawn from the field of the human heart.

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However, the human heart is where God appears in his first dimension, the spiritual dimension. The power of love, the joy of forgiveness, the continuity of faith and hope, the happiness of love: if there is evangelism, it is surely these inner movements that we must try to describe and awaken. Indeed, if God also manifests himself in the contemplation of creation, the latter, though transcendent, is not his only work.

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