The Spanish entity Agrupación Española de Entidades Aseguradoras de los Seguros Agrarios Combinados (Agroseguros) has begun these days the final assessments of the damage to vineyards in the areas of Spain where harvesting has already taken place, specifically in Extremadura, Aragon and some areas of Catalonia. The harvest has already begun and the company’s technicians are examining the losses suffered by these crops as a result of adverse weather conditions from frost and cold to drought. Thus, in a preliminary estimate, the company estimates that the impact of these negative phenomena on vineyards will exceed 92 million euros, one of the highest figures in recent years.
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Although Agroseguro has currently received claims for almost 175,000 hectares, it is estimated that they will exceed 200,000, which represents half of the insured area of wine grapes for the 2024 season. To analyze the extent of the damage in detail, in the coming weeks, more than 250 technicians will join in assessing the impact. In addition to the three production areas already mentioned, damage to early white varieties in other areas is also being assessed.
The Spanish agricultural insurance system recorded more than 1 billion premiums last year, a figure described as a record and representing a 16% increase compared to the already difficult previous year.

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