Friedkin in Rome, those swastikas on the American fighter: meaning

Friedkin in Rome, those swastikas on the American fighter: meaning

President of the Giallorossi club, pilot of the plane, host of the Air Force event driving a Mustang: the meaning of those stickers

Dan Friedkinpresident RomeAnd He is also a great aircraft enthusiast and has traveled to Pratica di Mare withKnights Flight Teamthe only patrol boat in the world P-51 Mustangand aircraft in serviceair forces Until 1960. The President of the Giallorossi honored the Air Force with this flight over the skies of Rome to celebrate the centenary of the respective Italian Armed Forces.

Friedkin, swastika shape on board

The plane chosen by the American president was a model A P-51 Mustangthat’s saying One of the most versatile fighters The Americans World War II: fYou are also deployed on the front The European Union opposes aircraft Luftwaffe German. On the side of the plane you flew in Friedkin There was a series of posters depicting the German swastika: in wartime, a poster was made for every enemy, Nazi, downed plane.

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