Fourteen thousand wood energy companies, turnover 4 billion
(ANSA) – VERONA, May 4 – The 2022 edition of Progetto Fuoco, the most important global event dedicated to biomass heating, which Piemmeti has promoted in Veronafiere until May 7, opened today in Verona Fierre.
Raoul Barbieri, General Manager of Piemmeti, said, “The recent rise in the price of gas in the bill, which does not seem destined to return at least in the short term – made clear that the real energy transition must be sustainable not only from an environmental point of view, but Also from a social and economic point of view.” This generates strong consumer awareness, he explained. The market is intercepting this recovery, offering solutions that increase the efficiency of factories and advance their digitization.
According to the data of the Observatory data of the Italian Association for Agroforestry Energy (Aiel), wood is the first among renewable energy sources (33% in Italy and 40% in the world) and the second source of heating for Italian households. A sector of the Italian industry, is the sector of the wood energy chain, with a turnover of 4 billion euros, with 14,000 companies employing 72,000 employees, of which 43,000 are direct and 29,000 are related to related industries; It is considered one of the best Italian industries, with 70% ANSA granules.
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