Conference on the retina with Dr. Ulis Ferrari –

Conference on the retina with Dr. Ulis Ferrari –

The “Giovani per la Scienza” association hosts Dr. Ulisse Ferrari on the campus of the University of Savona for a new conference on the retina. The meeting will be held on Friday, May 5 at 4 pm in room AN1, with the possibility of following the conference also via the Zoom platform.

The conference will focus on the functioning of the retina, the more “intelligent” sensory organ than one might imagine. Unlike cameras, which record the light intensity point by point of the visual field, the retina is able to process the light entering the eyes, selecting and then transmitting back the most relevant information of the visual scene to the visual brain regions, such as sharp contrasts, object edges, and rapid movement.

Understanding the functioning of the retina is intriguing in many respects: in addition to the obvious specific biological interest, the retina is an experimentally accessible part of the brain, the study of which has opened up the possibility of greatly advancing research in neuroscience. The study of the retina and vision in general then laid the foundations for the current extraordinary developments in artificial intelligence and vision (computer vision). In addition, thanks to the understanding gained from years of research, new clinical therapies are now being developed to treat some of the major forms of blindness.

Ulysse Ferrari, after graduating with honors in Physics from the University of Milan and a PhD in Statistical Mechanics from the Sapienza University of Rome under the supervision of Giorgio Baresi, moved to France to start some research in computational neuroscience, with a special interest in vision. and retina.

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Researcher since 2019 at the CNRS, the French ministerial body for scientific research, he currently runs a research group at the Institut de la Vision, in Paris. His research is located at the interface between neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and applications of statistical mechanics to data analysis, and aims to gain a quantitative understanding of how the retina, our visual sensory organ, encodes and transmits information at the center of the brain. Contained in the light that enters our eyes.

Anyone interested in obtaining more information about the conference, including logistics, can contact the association via the official email [email protected]

To follow up on the conference online, the e-mail [email protected] will be used instead

To obtain more information about the Giovani per la Scienza Association and to keep abreast of its activities, it is possible to visit the website And follow the official Instagram page @giovaniperlascienza_

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