Civil Protection activates INUN plan alert…

Civil Protection activates INUN plan alert…

This morning, the state’s Civil Protection activated the special emergency plan alert for floods in Catalonia (It was entered.) to warn of heavy rain during Sunday and Monday morning.

According to the weather forecast from the Catalan Meteorological Service (SMC), during the day of August 18, the threshold of rainfall intensity of 20 litres / m2 in 30 minutes could be exceeded in the coastal areas and coastal areas of Girona, Barcelona and Tarragona. As well as in some areas of central Catalonia, especially in the period from 12 to 18 hours. The rain will often be accompanied by storms and local hail is not excluded.

Tomorrow, August 19, the probability of exceeding the threshold is reduced and will be limited to Monday morning. The affected areas will be reduced to the coastal areas of Barcelona and Tarragona.

SMC reported that there were two threshold crossings yesterday:

  1. Sant Pau de Segur (22.3 l/m2 in 30 minutes)
  2. No Val den Bas (20.0 l/m2 in 30 min)

Consider the heavy rain tips you can find on

  1. It is essential to avoid vehicle travel and parking in waterways or underground points that are prone to flooding. Rivers or streams should never be crossed if they are flowing with water, especially in areas where higher density and accumulations are expected.
  2. It is preferable to drive along main roads and highways, reduce your speed and maintain safe distances.
  3. If you are surprised by rainfall in the mountains, move to higher points away from river banks, valley edges, slopes or floods.
  4. If you are surprised by heavy rain while you are at home: Do not go down to flood-prone areas such as the basement, garage, etc.; Do not leave objects or furniture outside that could be swept away by the water; Place pets, food, drinking water, important documents, valuables, and especially hazardous products (such as rat poison, solvents, etc.) in high, protected places.
  5. Be very careful when doing activities near rivers, streams and flood areas due to the risk of sudden rising water.
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