Billionaire candidates win primaries

Billionaire candidates win primaries

At his mansion in Miami, surrounded by cheerful collaborators, on Tuesday night Donald Trump He once again tasted an electoral victory, albeit in an indirect way. Far from his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Ohio still under clouds and winter rain, the former president’s support led to the victory of the candidate in the Republican primary, who was all considered the underdog, JD Vance. The author of the famous novel about the white societies left behind by globalization, Hellebele Iologi (“Eulogia dei Buzzurri,” translated in Italy with Eulogia Americana) was a candidate in the primaries, running in November for the seat held by Senator Rob Portman, one of the few who did not endorse Trump blindly. Vance’s victory is undoubtedly a success for Trump, as his spokesperson noted: “The power of President Trump’s approval is undeniable, and the promise of his MAGA movement will not only determine the midterm elections, but win the elections. Come.”

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The phenomenon of Vance excites the American press, given that in 2016 the writer was one of the most anti-Trump figures, and had already identified the then-presidential candidate as an “example of a cultural heroine.” But since that exploit on the American stage, Vance has retreated, downplaying the emphasis on the need for personal responsibility he so admirably described in the Hillbilly Elegy, and instead riding the theory that the dark forces of the Deep State threaten innocent American workers. A mistake directed at Trump, Trump really likes those who “repent” and go and accept his ring. And so the former president welcomed the former enemy in a warm, winning embrace. In the end, Vance received 32% of the Republican vote, meaning that 58% of voters from the same party chose the other five candidates, splitting the vote. Will the Republicans now be able to squeeze the party into November? Ohio in 2020 went to Trump, not Biden, and he clearly intends to play an important role in it. Democrats line up against Vance People’s Representative Tim Ryan, who won the primaries, re-elected for 20 years with a clear majority, is also a white man, a moderate, who came from nowhere, and an advocate of classes forgotten by globalization and the technological leap. There were also other phenomena in the Ohio primaries that could lead us to predict how the elections will go in the coming months. Governor Mike DeWine, a non-Trumpist, won the primaries and will presumably be re-elected in November.

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Other successes
However, Trump also reported excellent results with other candidates, less important than Vance and less well-known: Madison Gilbert, a former Miss Ohio, Max Miller, a former White House adviser, and JR Majowski, a follower and follower. Law conspiracy movement. Meanwhile, in the opposing field, Ryan won the primary for a Senate seat by defeating liberal challenger Morgan Harper, while Shontel Brown defeated ultra-liberal Nina Turner for a seat in the House. Both Ryan and Brown are candidates backed by Biden. Harper and Turner were both left-wing candidates for the party, with support from Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. Indeed, the Trump-Biden challenge is arguably proliferating in Ohio, given that candidates aligned with the president and the former president have outpaced rivals, strengthening their grip on their parties. The next few weeks will be especially interesting to see if Trump can maintain the grip he demonstrated in Ohio: According to various observers, the former president has made some risky bets in the upcoming primary. If he continued to win, there would be no doubt that his grip on the party’s base was iron.

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