Beheading as he got off the helicopter: the tragedy of the 22-year-old tourist. A killer selfie?

Beheading as he got off the helicopter: the tragedy of the 22-year-old tourist.  A killer selfie?

Athens, 26 July 2022- jack fenton, English tourist The 22-year-old passed away on Monday – Maybe decapitated – After getting hit helicopter feathers to me athena, in Greece. “He wanted to get Photograph‘, some newspapers made headlines, according to what the investigators described as indiscretion Friends deny.

He is 22 years old, and he is already a student at Oxford brooks And the exclusive school Sutton ValenceHe was back with three friends from Mykonoswhere he spent a few days of vacation, with a chartered plane for the occasion.

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Horror and reassuring parents

“We only learned late in the evening – the pain captured Mailonline From Victoria, the mother of the 22-year-old. Jack was a wonderful boy. The woman also denied the version she wanted for them in Greece, boarding a second luxury helicopter that had been chartered after those of the boys. There was instead a friend of Jack’s father. As she wanted to point out, “None of the kids were drinking.” Jack’s father, Miguel , Responsible for marketing “The Hop Farm”, a 400-acre park in Beltingnear TunbridgeIn the Kent.

“He wasn’t on the phone”

witnesses Greek media reported their claim that the 22-year-old would have landed first when the helicopter, a Bell 407, was still running the engines. They add that he had mobile Ear. Did he want to take a selfie? Investigations will clarify. The spinner hit him and killed him. But friends deny. “I’ve heard people say that Jack was on the phone and ran back to the helicopter and that’s not true at all,” Jack Stanton Gilves testified.

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They were questioned on helicopter pilot And the Two ground technicians. They will have to clarify if all safety rules have been followed.

According to other investigative sources, the 22-year-old would have landed without problems, but then, inexplicably, would have retraced his steps. A horrific end encounter. A copy, the latter, which can raise allegations Neglecting The pilot and staff. But everything still needs to be clarified.

Who was Jack Fenton?

Jack Fenton, the son of a wealthy couple, had spent a few days in Mykonos and from Athens, on a private plane, he was going to start with friends and family to fly back to Great Britain. Educated in an exclusive environment, attended Sutton Valence Schoola foundation founded in 1576. Then he joined Oxford Brookes.

Jack Fenton (Facebook)
Jack Fenton (Facebook)

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